Parents, Pupils and School Together

The Parent Council AGM was on Wednesday night. The full committee were there along with myself, Miss McGill and Miss McKenzie and one parent from Primary 3. This was a shame because the AGM is when new committee members are voted in. The previous members were looking for new faces to take on the roles however this didn't happen because nominations could not take place. 

I am very grateful to the committee members who have agreed to continue their work for the benefit of the school and the children.  We are still looking for parents and family members to help improve the life of the school in a number of ways.  

I would like to create a parent group to help us evaluate the work of the school and help us to give the children opportunities to learn and develop skills for learning, life and work.   This group would meet once a term (only 4 times a year) during the school day.  The chats we would have at these meetings will be very important for supporting the running of the school. We need your ideas. Please contact us as soon as possible if you could spare 1 hour once a term.  (There will even by tea/coffee and cake for the members of the group).

We are also looking for parents who would be willing to help at our new Electives which will be starting soon.  These will take place on a Friday afternoon and will give all pupils a wide range of new experiences for example; football, crafts, recorder club, nail bar and ICT.  If you have any skills that you would be willing to help the children to learn please get in touch.  We will be asking the children to give us some ideas of what they would like too so have a chat with them and let me know what wonderful ideas you come up with.

The pupils are also getting involved in the leadership of the school.  This week we had the first meeting of the Pupil Leadership Team and they have already made a couple of decisions.  Pop in to have a look at their notice board to find out more.

Mrs Paton
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Have a lovely weekend everyone and remember to get in touch if you can help in any way.


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